Elevation 1049 Between Heaven and Hell Gstaad 2014 January 27–March 8 John Armleder Alexandra Bachzetsis Olaf Breuning Valentin Carron Claudia Comte Urs Fischer Peter Fischli / David Weiss Sylvie Fleury Bernhard Hegglin / Tina Braegger Thomas Hirschhorn Gianni Jetzer Christian Marclay Mia Marfurt Olivier Mosset Gianni Motti Mai-Thu Perret Pipilotti Rist Ugo Rondinone Pamela Rosenkranz Kilian Rüthemann Olympia Scarry Roman Signer Tobias Spichtig Not Vital Hannah Weinberger Special Exhibitions Matthias Brunner Produced by 1096.8 [m] John Armleder Untitled, 1985-2014 Neuretstrasse, at the edge of the forest behind The Alpina Gstaad 46.47672 / 7.29007 1097 1049.6 [m] Alexandra Bachzetsis Rehearsal (Ongoing), 2010 Waiting room, Gstaad railway station 46.47507 / 7.28418 1050 1565.7 [m] Olaf Breuning Snow Drawing, 2014 Mountain station Eggli / Performance daily 10-12 a.m. 46.46225 / 7.26261 1566 999.9 [m] Valentin Carron Scruffy Mechanics, Gray Cross, 2013 Airport Saanen, parking area Air Sarina, Oeystrasse 29, Saanen 46.48738 / 7.2466 1000 1046.9 [m] Claudia Comte Tornado Kit, 2014 Gstaad ice rink 46.47609 / 7.28454 1047 1053.1 [m] Urs Fischer Untitled, 2014 Promenade 20, Gstaad 46.47302 / 7.28645 1053 1013.1 [m] Peter Fischli David Weiss Eine Ansammlung von Gegenständen, 1984-2013 Postal bus station Oberdorf, Mättelistrasse 3, Saanen 46.48851 / 7.26443 1013 1099.6 [m] Sylvie Fleury Space Cannon and Sheets, 2014 Gstaad Palace 46.47312 / 7.28921 1100 1053.6 [m] Bernhard Hegglin Tina Braegger Domingo, 2014 Cheseryplatz 1, Gstaad 46.47257 / 7.28755 1054 1241.1 [m] Thomas Hirschhorn Mürrischer Schnee, 2014 Postal bus station Moos, Lauenen 46.42525 / 7.32136 1241 1743.2 [m] Gianni Jetzer Milky Way: A Layer of Snow..., 2014 Alpine hut, Blattistafel above Arnen Lake 46.39094 / 7.2308 1743 1542.3 [m] Christian Marclay Bollywood goes to Gstaad, 2013 Gondelbahn Glacier 3000, Col du Pillon 46.35402 / 7.20548 1542 1047.9 [m] Mia Marfurt Eurobistro (Brembo), 2014 Charly’s, Promenade 76, Gstaad 46.47576 / 7.2847 1048 2964.4 [m] Olivier Mosset Toblerone, 2003-2014 1. Mountain-peak-platform Glacier 3000, Scex Rouge 2. Car park Saanendorf, Saanen 46.32676 / 7.20391 2964 1192.8 [m] Gianni Motti Untitled, 2014 Wanderweg Schönried - Gruben 46.49938 / 7.28905 1193 1049.9 [m] Mai-Thu Perret Shandy, 2014 Railway bridge, Neueretstrasse, Gstaad 46.47739 / 7.2851 1050 1054.6 [m] Pipilotti Rist Sugarplums (Independent cousin of The Blue Fairy in the Valley), 2014 Hotel Olden Promenade 35, Gstaad 46.47335 / 7.28628 1055 1032.7 [m] Ugo Rondinone The Morning of the Poem, 2014 Transformer station Aebnit, Bellerivestrasse 1, Gstaad 46.48159 / 7.27857 1033 1051.1 [m] Ugo Rondinone I feel, you feel, we feel through each other into ourselves, 2012 Promenade 3, Gstaad 46.47233 / 7.28653 1051 1042.5 [m] Pamela Rosenkranz Skin Pool, 2014 Park vor dem Hotel Le Grand Bellevue, Gstaad 46.47771 / 7.283 1042 1044.8 [m] Kilian Rüthemann Acht Säulen für den Winter, 2014 Lawn next to the hotel Le Grand Bellevue, Gstaad 46.4769 / 7.2837 1045 1381.3 [m] Olympia Scarry All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, 2014 Lauenensee 46.39277 / 7.33787 1381 1040.8 [m] Roman Signer Alles fährt Ski, 2014 Talstation Eggli 46.46803 / 7.28073 1041 1922.6 [m] Tobias Spichtig Film Set (Eddie: This is just me trying to maintain a viable relationship with reality. Okay, I want to make sure I haven`t drifted off into some solitary paranoid fantasy system of my own totally unfounded idiosyncratic convention.), 2014 Bergrestaurant Wasserngrat 46.45723 / 7.32416 1923 1219.5 [m] Not Vital Leading The Way, 2013 Postauto Station Heitibrücke, Gsteig bei Gstaad 46.38269 / 7.2641 1220 1049.5 [m] Hannah Weinberger Untitled, 2013 Parkplatz Bahnhof Gstaad 46.47475 / 7.28458 1050 1013.3 [m] Matthias Brunner The magic world of the mountains in the films of Daniel Schmid, Bunker, Chalet Coucou, Dorfstrasse 56, Saanen 46.49023 / 7.26223 1013 X Contact contact@elevation1049.org Use the scrollbar or your mousewheel to scroll down the map.