Tobias Spichtig
Film Set (Eddie: This is just me trying to maintain a viable relationship with reality. Okay, I want to make sure I haven`t drifted off into some solitary paranoid fantasy system of my own totally unfounded idiosyncratic convention.), 2014
Set high in the mountains, Spichtig’s assemblage of fire, lights, and no action is a film set without a movie. It speaks to the way in which we stare into illuminated voids – fires and screens – searching for cracks in the reality that each may propose. Like the movie ‘Quest for Fire’, Film Set is without dialogue, a meditation on primal longing in which we wordlessly search for our reflection within the flicker of light and flame.
Tobias Spichtig’s work is based on a discourse concerning images and their meaning—more specifically, the overwhelming presence of the media and the continuous availability of information, which contribute to the dissolution of time. His approach is based on material production. Concept and narration are abstracted and continually redefined. This creates symbolic works that present historical and contemporary as the bases of a radical presence.